
Meet Emily

Hi, I am Emily! I am a midwest girl, a lover of popcorn, root-beer and a good steak. I am a wife, a proud mother of eight incredible children, a grandma, an accountant, a music instructor, and a life coach and a five-time Ironman triathlete.

I enjoy spending time on the lake with my family, love getting wrapped up in a beautiful piece of music, walking outdoors while listening to my favorite podcast, gardening, and relishing in quiet moments sitting by a fire under the stars.

Hello My Friend!

I’m so glad you’re here.

I have been around the block a few times trying to figure out this thing called life and motherhood. Up until six years ago, I struggled to love myself, find joy in motherhood and feel like I was a good mom. I found myself weighed down in life, not enjoying the day-to-day and going to bed each night feeling like a failure as a wife and mother. I was circled in the trap of guilt and wondered if I would ever feel like I was good enough or doing it right.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to life coaching that I learned I am not a victim of my circumstances. I hold all the power and tools to write and create my own story of who I am, how I parent and what kind of mother I choose to show up as. I don’t have to hold onto the sabotaging thoughts and stories that don’t serve me in motherhood and parenting.

I became a Certified Life Coach in 2020. I am thankful for the training I received. It has changed my life and the lives of my family members. I can now say that I love myself, I know I am enough, I thrive in motherhood and parent with confidence.

I feel blessed to share the tools I have learned with my clients to help them thrive. Motherhood and parenting can be beautiful. I look forward to helping you through your journey.

Get to know me

Favorite Drink

Rootbeer and Diet Dr. Pepper

I recently read

Atomic Habits by James Clear

on weekends you’ll find me…

On the soccer field, at a dance competition, band event, music recital, gymnastics meet, volleyball game or at a race cheering on my children

FAvorite family pasttime

Boating and vacationing at our lake house

Morning person or night owl?

Morning!! I love quiet mornings to myself before the hustle and bustle of family life begins

Places I have Lived

Utah, Missouri, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Japan

Greatest accomplishment

My 8 children and finishing 5 Ironman triathlon races

Best piece of advice i’ve received

Always choose kindness

Let’s get started

interested in working together? I’d love to connect!